Product Catalog

Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget Window Beads 16x12mm

Shop wholesale table cut Czech glass chunky drop nugget beads direct from Starman. These beads measure 16 x 12mm and feature a flat cut on each side creating a window into the bead. Smaller 10 x 8mm chunky drops and larger 19 x 16mm chunky drops are also available. For more shapes, see our Table Cut Beads category.

342-1612-CT0003 Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget 16 x 12mm : Crystal - Copper Picasso
342-1612-M1023 Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget 16 x 12mm : Stone Matte - Smoky Topaz
342-1612-M2398 Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget 16 x 12mm : Matte - Jet
342-1612-T6008 Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget 16 x 12mm : Capri Blue - Picasso
342-1612-T06008 Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget 16 x 12mm : Crystal/White - Picasso
342-1612-67713 Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget 16 x 12mm : Blueberry/Raspberry Swirl
342-1612-84495 Chunky Table Cut Drop Nugget 16 x 12mm : Matte - Luster - Transparent Rosaline